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Slightly Wrong, Always Write.
An artistic place for the delightfully deranged.
Small Bones
Creative writing that'll get stuck in your craw.

What Beauty Is - A poem not for the weak of heart.
The Juicy Pickle - What could be more spiritual?
Sonnet Syndrome - Come down with a terminal case.
Science Sense - Some quick, clever poems about matters scientific.
Haiku Harmony - Meditate on an ancient Japanese poetry form.
Very Villanelle - A French poetry form by way of Italy.
A Visit from Old Nick - (Milk and cookies won't be necessary).
FIshing Trip - Bait, Tackle and the Truth.
Wordcountdown - Letter go.
Monstrous Standards - An invitation to deviation.
Raunch Launch - If you don't like being disgusted than you can just f**k off.
Critical Mass - High adventure in a movie theater.
My Light, My Love, My Happiness - Beware the Devil, he's a sneaky bastard.
The Finest Art - Is Revenge. In High School.
What Family's All About - Competing Traditions.
A Killer Review - Performance evaluations can be a hit.
Damn You, Chewing Gum - A burning dilemma.
Crystal Skull & Claw Hammer - A simple short tale of a Tapper of Ale.
Ernie of Troy - Not much call for a gatekeeper during the Trojan War.

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