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  • Ep. 1 - Intro to Happy
    Lacking the evidence that god exists I must therefore invent it, or perhaps discover it. I call it Happy.
  • Ep. 2 - Detective of Divinity [link in description]
    I want to find proof of the divine. You may think I'm being glib, and perhaps I am, but I am serious about this search. Finding the Universal Mood of Existence is a quest I've been on for over 20 years. Join me. Ep. 2 - Detective of Divinity Recommended Episodes: Ep. 67 - The Happy Skeptic Ep. 175 - Happy Divine Ep. 212 - Divine Happy Ep. 327 - God Happy​ Ep. 392 - Divinely Happy Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Are They Happy? The Heart Flu Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): Mood Wheel
  • Ep. 3 - Mindfully Happy
    Keeping things in mind requires effort so having little reminders can help. Saying "HaHa" is one way to keep Happy in mind. Like the way "Aloha" acknowledges the mind, heart, and spirit within and "Amen" means "so be it." It can be uttered or it can be laughed. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Ep. 127 - Happy Moderation Ep. 137 - Happy Encouragement
  • Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility [link in description]
    Exercise your emotions to be ready to feel and not be overwhelmed when something happens that triggers a strong response. Use Art, Science and Philosophy, to connect with Humanity. Practice, scrimmage, role play. Don't get stuck on revenge and spite because you will not be proud of yourself later. You may feel a release, but it doesn't improve your mood or mental health. Things happen, they don't happen TO YOU. So, control how you react by preparing for emotions by practicing them. Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Recommended Episodes: Ep. 6 - Emotional Honesty Ep. 150 - Happy Youth Ep. 322 - Visualize Your Moods Ep. 324 - Gauge Your Moods Ep. 347 - Happy Daily Mood Drills Ep. 383 - Happy Mood Mastery Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): The Mood Wheel The Three Great Considerations
  • Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia [link in description]
    Emotional Inertia, or Emotia (ee-MO-sha), is the tendency we have of staying in our current emotional state. It requires effort to change, but responds better to gradual rehabilitation. Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia ​ Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): ​ Little By Little Recommended Episode: Ep. 298 - Emotional Velocitization - Emotionalitization Ep. 322 - Visualize Your Moods Ep. 347 - Happy Daily Mood Drills
  • Ep. 6 - Emotional Honesty
    The first step to gaining a mastery over your emotions is facing those things about yourself that make you feel mad, sad, glad, hopeful, guilty and afraid. Do you cheat at crosswords? Do you secretly curse out your so-called friends? Do you like to drink the juice that collects at the bottom of packages of ham slices? You don't have to reveal your secrets to the world, but if you regret hating your father now that he's dead then at least own up to that to yourself. Acknowledgement is the first step, but the journey doesn't end there. ​ Recommended Episode: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Unsettled Tells
  • Ep. 7 - Imagine Happy
    Your mind now prepped and rinsed by the previous episodes is ready to stretch and look into the face of madness. You'll be fine if you Imagine Happy. Probably. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Ep. 165 - Imagine Happy (Revisited) ​ Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): The Snap Unhinged What You Will
  • Ep. 8 - Challenge Happy
    Push your mind, your emotions and your best you, the Happy you. Test Happy. Your best self has to prove itself to you, provide direction. When you get mad and don't feel like thinking about balance and being Happy that's when you need to focus the hardest, to count on your best self, your Happy self. ​ ​ Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): ​​ How To Gain Instant Perspective
  • Ep. 9 - Happy Juice
    Happy Juice is the Will to choose your own Happy Way. Recommended Episode: Ep. 10 - The Happy Way
  • Ep. 10 - The Happy Way
    We all must find our own Happy Way, but here's some methods I use. ​ Recommended episode: Ep. 152 - Many Happy Returns Ep. 194 - The Inherently Happy Way Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): My Happy Way
  • Ep. 11 - Happy Sight
    We can all develop a filter to be able to recognize the Happy in ourselves and others (or how far away from our Happy selves we and they may be).
  • Ep. 12 - Happyland
    Happy on Earth and Happy beyond. Happy friends, give me your Happy Juice so that we may make real this dream of Happy Life and Happy Ever After! That...or I'll just write about it some more.
  • Ep. 13 - The Happy Constant
    Happy is the one consistent aspect of you. You can go mad or get sad, but the one thing that you can never lose is your Happy self. It can be a comfort to know that you have this inner strength and health. Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): ​ Happy Constant
  • Ep. 14 - The Happy Mind
    Step 1: Think Happy - Know that your Happy Mind is yours to control. Step 2: Behave Happy - Act in such a way as to reinforce your Happy thoughts. Step 3: Create Happy - Spread the gospel according to Happy (as it were, really just encourage others to be their best--Happy--selves). ​ Recommended Episodes: Ep. 33 - The Happy Life Ep. 168 - The Happy Spirit Ep. 260 - The Mean Mind Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Little By Little
  • Ep. 15 - The Happy Will
    You control your Happy Will and by so doing control your Happy Mind.
  • Ep. 16 - Mad Trip Happy Journey
    Not Mad, Happy! ​ Just suppose you are Happy in a Happy Universe and see how much easier things become. ​ ​Recommended Episode: Ep. 172 - Happy Madness Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Little By Little
  • Ep. 17 - The Happy Joy
    Joy is a release of tension, while Happy is a sense of connection with yourself.
  • Ep. 18 - The Happy Heart
    It engenders wisdom, compassion, and good humor. Try rewriting a scene from the movie of your life and this time make Happy choices, then maybe the next time that you have the option to act Happy you'll take it. ​ Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): ​ The Heart Flu
  • Ep. 19 - Happy Discontent
    You need a little dissatisfaction in life to give you the urge to improve, but not so much that you'll give up from the sheer futility of it all. Recommended Episode: Ep. 380 - Happy Yearning
  • Ep. 20 - Happy Helpers
    Helping other to see the Happy within can also help us keep mindful of that very thing.
  • Ep. 21 - The Happy Benefit
    What good is life without the pursuit of Happy? I mean if we're already Happy then what's left? Well, proof that there's more to life than just that, for starters. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 29 - Happy's Law Ep. 139 - Happy Meaning
  • Ep. 22 - Happy Reality
    A thought is Real insofar as the resulting brain activity can be measured. ​ However, this doesn't mean that the thought represents Reality or is representative of the way things actually exist. ​ Example: "That person hates me" is a thought (real). When (in reality) that person doesn't know you exist.
  • Ep. 23 - The Happy Faith
    The Three Happy Principles: ​ 1st: Happy is the Source ​ The source of life, the source of thought, the source of hope. ​ 2nd: Happy is the Cause ​ The cause of action, the cause of faith, the cause of creativity. ​ 3rd: Happy is the Will ​ The will to act, the will to be, the will to create. ​ The Happy Will is the Happy Cause from the Happy Source. ​ Episode Referenced: ​ Ep. 15 - The Happy Will ​ Further References: ​ Ep. 24 - The Happy Cause Ep. 25 - The Happy Source
  • Ep. 24 - The Happy Cause
    Happy can show you the way to greater emotional control. ​ Episodes Referenced: ​ Ep. 23 - The Happy Faith
  • Ep. 25 - The Happy Source
    Happy is within, without and throughout everything and it's what keeps you dreaming as you sleep and also after you have stopped sleeping for all time. Episode recommendation: ​ Ep. 23 - The Happy Faith
  • Ep. 26 - Our Happy Home
    Creating a Happyland on Earth as well as in our dreams is as easy as imagining it and then working to make it real. Imagine an open world sandbox with vast resources and near-endless respawns!
  • Ep. 27 - The Happy Question
    Practice reminding yourself to tap into the Happy within so that when you really need it you can call upon your strength and certainty. You may need to drive yourself a little Mad to really shake yourself up, so practicing will help you train yourself to become Happy at will. References: ​ Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia Ep. 9 - Happy Juice Ep. 15 - The Happy Will
  • Ep. 28 - The Happy Energy
    Sometimes it can seem like existence is a personification of the Void, the collective Abyss, and that maybe that is a more honest approach, but to be Truly Happy then you have to face yourself and grieve your own loss of Hope and Faith in your Life. Only then can you find what was always there: the Happy Energy. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 225 - Pain Happy Ep. 304 - Truly Happy
  • Ep. 29 - Happy's Law
    Programming yourself to get into good habits is readily done through repetition, but understanding that Happy is the light that shines on both your fears and your dreams gives you the power to stand firm and determine your own path. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 21 - The Happy Benefit Ep. 29 - Happy's Law Ep. 139 - Happy Meaning
  • Ep. 30 - Mood Fatigue
    Mood balance is crucial to maintain emotional health. Even moods we consider positive can turn ugly if we overdo them. Referenced Episode: ​ Ep. 2 - Detective of Divinity ​ Supporting Media: ​Mood Wheel (goes to Artwork page) Instant Meditation - Funky Brain Bounce (goes to Videos page) Instant Meditation - No Slow-Mow (goes to Videos page)
  • Ep. 31 - My Happy Flock
    Are you there, Happy Flockers? Say something on the Comments page! Do you have Doubts? Joys? (I know I do!) Let's hear!
  • Ep. 32 - The Happy Stance
    The Happy Stance is: Health Unity Growth and Strength (HUGS) of the Mind, Body and Spirit In order to fight off: ​ Violence Oppression Ignorance and Deceit ​ (the VOID).
  • Ep. 33 - The Happy Life
    The Happy Life is composed of: ​ The Happy Body The Happy Mind and The Happy Spirit ​ The Five Steps to move into The Happy Body are: ​ Look Happy - Look Up with Hope Stand Happy - Stand Tall with Alignment Breathe Happy - Breathe Deep with Calm Awareness Eat Happy - Eat Nourishing Food for Focus Sleep Happy - Sleep Soundly for Energy ​ With The Happy Body you will want to be active and that feeds back into itself. ​ The Five Stages to realize The Happy Mind are: ​ Explore Happy - Look Deep into Your World Consider Happy - Include Happy into your Worldview Challenge Happy - Test Happy against your Assumptions Choose Happy - Select Happy for Yourself if it Works Recycle Happy - Refresh your Commitment to Happy as you Grow ​ With The Happy Mind you will want to think, believe and be present, which improves ability. ​ The Five Levels to realize The Happy Spirit are: ​ Happy Honesty - Be Generous with Truth and Stingy with Blame Happy Self - Believe in your Happy Self and the Happy Realm Entire Happy Expression - Create a Happy Expression of Who you Truly Are Happy Action - Be Fair and Happy Towards Yourself and Others Happy Exercise - Test Holistic Action to Unite the Body, Mind and Spirit ​ All to Build a Happy Life. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 14 - The Happy Mind Ep. 168 - The Happy Spirit Ep. 272 - Happy Action
  • Ep. 34 - The Happy Love
    Take romance slow, enjoy the courtship, notice the red flags early. ​ Don't let your past pain define you.
  • Ep. 35 - Happy Happy Mad
    Maintaining balance doesn't always mean staying neutral and calm. Sometimes you have to go a little mad before coming back to your center.
  • Ep. 36 - How To Start A Happy Faith
    You could start your own or just build on ones that already help. References: Ep. 23 - The Happy Faith
  • Ep. 37 - The Happy Music
    When you can feel the rhythm of something it’s like hearing its music. Are you ready to make yourself feel Happy for 3 seconds?
  • Ep. 38 - The Happy Light
    Can you see it? Can you see you? Or do you just get a blinding headache whenever you turn your gaze inward? I know the feeling, but sometimes even trying is progress.
  • Ep. 39 - The Happy Self
    Happy is in you, beneath all the layers of fear, doubt and seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time. How do you find it? It’s easy. Step One: Remember a time when you were Happy. Step Two: Imagine that time is now. Step Three: Rinse and repeat. Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): How to be Happy: Celebrate the little things
  • Ep. 40 - Am I Happy?
    I work through my constant unease towards balance using this simple question, and so can you.
  • Ep. 41 - Happy Goals
    Planning for balance is better than hoping you don't spin out of control. Episodes Referenced: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia Ep. 154 - Happy Ambition Ep. 234 - Goal Happy Ep. 305 - Happy Plans Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): Mood Wheel
  • Ep. 42 - The Happy Family
    We can help each other, just like a family does. Supporting each other. And getting on each other's nerves ;) but with love, always love. Recommended Episode: Ep. 288 - One Big Happy Family
  • Ep. 43 - The Happy Release
    Forgiving yourself for failing to avenge a perceived wrong is a powerful way to reclaim your Will. Forgiving others and imagining that they actually deserve that forgiveness is the best way to pave the way for forgiving yourself, helping others and finding Happy balance. Recommended Episode: Ep. 167 - Happy Forgiveness
  • Ep. 44 - The Happy Choice
    The Happy Choice is one of active contentment. where inner chillness meets warmed up readiness.
  • Ep. 45 - The Happy Breath
    Inspired respiration can remove exasperation and strengthen your Happy foundation.
  • Ep. 46 - Chill Happy
    Being able to actively relax takes some effort.
  • Ep. 47 - Are You Creative?
    Being Creative is just a description of your problem solving skills, not of how wild your ideas are.
  • Ep. 48 - Love Happy Love
    Balance your life between helping others and taking time for yourself and you'll be able to help more, love more, be more. Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): On Romance Great Love
  • Ep. 49 - Happy Rage
    Learn, anticipate and moderate your extremes. References: ​ Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Additional resources: Ep. 74 - Happy Wrath
  • Ep. 50 - The Happy Tonic
    Being Happy is about being connected, nice, balanced, forgiving and grateful. You'll find that, in the right dosage, it can make life easier. But don't overdo it. It's merely a tonic, not a cure-all. You must still temper your attitude with wisdom.
  • Ep. 51 - The Hope Test
    Imagine having what you want. Then what? Is it still worth it? Supporting Media: On Romance (goes to Videos page) Mood Wheel (goes to Artwork page)
  • Ep. 52 - Happy Nice
    Not too mean and not too nice. Don't make Happy tell you twice! Recommended Episodes: Ep. 249 - Nice Happy Ep. 251 - The Happy Struggle Ep. 266 - Tolerably Nice
  • Ep. 53 - The Happy Ego
    Submit to Happy, the collective balance within us all, and achieve calmness and drive. Or don't and be a meanie. Recommended Episode: Ep. 211 - Ego Happy
  • Ep. 54 - The Happy Habit
    Health, Art, Philosophy, Science. HAPS. Different ways to look at a problem. Be active, connect, ponder and analyze. Remember the steps by making a habit out of it.
  • Ep. 55 - Happy Awareness
    Why do things you don't actually enjoy, when given the choice? Episode Referenced: Ep. 3 - Mindfully Happy Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Are They Happy?
  • Ep. 56 - Happy Spice
    Balance and Drive are all well and good--Happy, even!--but it's applying them towards Progress that really adds the Spice to life!
  • Ep. 57 - The Happy Guru
    The Happy Guru is you.
  • Ep. 58 - Happy Humor
    Ask the question of those you encounter: Are They Happy? I mean, the answer is yes, of course, we all are, inherently but are they aware of it? Do they acknowledge it in any way? Are they expressing it? Appreciating it? Happy is balance. So, practice balance. Do it with the sense that balance is fun. Do it with Happy Humor Recommended Episodes: Ep. 161 - Happy Haha Ep. 192 - The Happy Joke Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Are They Happy?
  • Ep. 59 - The Happy Secret
    Isn't it obvious? Or is it, perhaps, too obvious. Were you thinking it'd be something you couldn't comprehend? Then how could you verify its validity?
  • Ep. 60 - Happy School
    A practical guide to improving engagement in learning from a former failing student who turned his attitude and scholastic career around. (I mean me).
  • Ep. 61 - Happy Friends
    Being Happy helps you find others of a like mind with whom you can be P.A.L.S. (to show Pride, Acceptance, Love and Support). Recommended Episode: Ep. 102 - A Happy Friend Ep. 209 - Friend Happy Ep. 237 - Freindship Happy
  • Ep. 62 - A Happy God
    A Happy God is a Loving God. A Happy Faith is a Helpful Faith. Are yours Loving and Helpful?
  • Ep. 63 - Happy Submission
    Release that which drags you down (hatred, bitterness, chaotic revenge) and find balance. Episodes Referenced: Ep. 59 - The Happy Secret Ep. 61 - Happy Friends
  • Ep. 64 - Happy Happy Win-Win
    Revenge vs. Forgiveness. Which is better? (Hint: it's Forgiveness!).
  • Ep. 65 - Happy Romance
    Balance your courting methods with sincerity as opposed to trying to win a prize that may turn stale once the race is run.
  • Ep. 66 - Happy Grief
    How to H.E.A.L (Help, Express, Accept, Learn).
  • Ep. 67 - The Happy Skeptic
    I've tried all sorts of belief systems, but none of them feel as right to me as Happy does--Balance and Growth. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 2 - Detective of Divinity Ep. 175 - Happy Divine Ep. 212 - Divine Happy Ep. 296 - Faith Happy Ep. 327 - God Happy Ep. 392 - Divinely Happy
  • Ep. 68 - Why Happy?
    Why balance and growth instead of imbalance and decline? Shut up, that's why! Supporting Media (takes you to the Artwork page): The Three Great Considerations
  • Ep. 69 - Happy Moves
    It's only slightly dirty.
  • Ep. 70 - Happy Motives
    Happy Methods inspire Happy Motives.
  • Ep. 71 - Happy So Far
    I make these for me, primarily, in order to remain mindful. So, sometimes it's good to see how it's going and remind myself of the three simple steps: 1: Know Yourself 2: Choose Happy 3: Repeat
  • Ep. 72 - Happy Stress
    Stress isn't something that happens to us, it's something we do to ourselves. That's a tough thing to remember when it's happening, though. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Ep. 153 - Happy Expectations Ep. 164 - Happy Pressure Ep. 169 - Happy Worry
  • Ep. 73 - Happy Gossip
    Tearing people down just marks you as unkind and untrustworthy. Recommended Episode: Ep. 157 - Happy Words Ep. 176 - Happy Communication
  • Ep. 74 - Happy Wrath
    Wrath is the extreme form of Anger and is destructive. This is a reminder as well as an exercise to provide coping skills to avoid it. Pause, Analyze, Release. P.A.R. Take a moment: Pause Assess the root causes: Analyze Loosen the grip of fury: Release Episodes Referenced: ​ Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 72 - Happy Stress Additional Resources: Ep. 49 - Happy Rage Ep. 157 - Happy Words
  • Ep. 75 - Happy Fear
    Focus too much on yourself alone and believe in the mere appearances of the world and you will build your fears. Recommended Episode: Ep. 229 - Fear Happy
  • Ep. 76 - Happy Guilt
    Remorse can bring reflection and change, while Shame can bring reproach and depression. To alleviate Remorse: C.A.R.E. Change the behavior, Apologize for the error, Rectify and make amends, Emancipate yourself from the cycle of guilt. To counter Shame: D.A.R.E. Determine if there was any fault, Acknowledge that it may be out of your control, Relax your impossibly high standards, Eliminate the voices of negativity, yours and others'. Recommended Episode: Ep. 182 - Happy Contrition Ep. 228 - Guilt Happy
  • Ep. 77 - Happy Envy
    A little can be motivational, while too much can lead to bitterness and spite. Remember to L.A.U.G.H. Love the possibility within yourself, Appreciate that others have it too, Understand the connection that provides, Gather with those who agree, Help each other achieve balance and growth to realize and express the Happy within. Love Happy Appreciate Happy Understand Happy Gather Happy Help Happy Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): L.A.U.G.H.
  • Ep. 78 - Happy Cheer
    Rejoicing at another's success versus gloating over another's defeat.
  • Ep. 79 - Happy Attitude
    Like a Mood Athlete, you need to test your emotional agility and guage your Mood Units, or Moodys. A Moody is a measure of emotional impact--it's a relative scale, as it may differ from person to person, and may even change within you as you become more adept. That which used to spin you out of control may lose its power as you achieve greater Balance and Growth. Episode Referenced: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Additional References: Ep. 74 - Happy Wrath Ep. 75 - Happy Fear Ep. 76 - Happy Guilt Ep. 78 - Happy Cheer
  • Ep. 80 - Think Happy
    What's that? An outlook that combines Balance with Growth? Yes, please. Recommended Episode: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Ep. 216 - Think Happy (again)
  • Ep. 81 - Happy Art
    Art beautifies, communicates, divulges, elucidates. it can emotionally motivate us--Emotivate us. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 82 - Happy Science Ep. 83 - Happy Philosophy Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): The Three Great Considerations
  • Ep. 82 - Happy Science
    Science analyzes, bestows, codifies and dares. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 81 - Happy Art Ep. 83 - Happy Philosophy Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): The Three Great Considerations
  • Ep. 83 - Happy Philosophy
    Philosophy ponders, questions, filters and explains. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 81 - Happy Art Ep. 82 - Happy Science Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): The Three Great Considerations
  • Ep. 84 - The Happy News
    In a nutshell: you can be well.
  • Ep. 85 - Happy Lessons
    Happy Lessons are ones that help you grow. Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): The Happy Lessons Dude
  • Ep. 86 - Happy Death
    Dreading the inevitable won't help you, but Appreciation and Preparation might. Recommended Episode: Ep. 206 - Death Happy
  • Ep. 87 - Happy Limits
    Imagining yourself in extreme conditions can help you learn about yourself. Movies, music and books can help you safely explore those limits before they actually happen for real.
  • Ep. 88 - Happy Revenge
    Admit that you sometimes get annoyed by the bad behavior of others, Commit to helping them see the damage they cause. 1. Acknowledge Hate 2. Choose Disinterest 3. Forgive Yourself See also: Ep. 92 - Happy Hate Ep. 95 - Happy FU Ep. 196 - A Happy Grudge Ep. 220 - Revenge Happy
  • Ep. 89 - Happy Mean
    Insincere politeness and unrealistic expectations may seem kind and reverent, but can set impossibly high, and therefore unfair, standards. Recommended Episode: Ep. 166 - Happy versus Mean Ep. 171 - Meanness Kills! Ep. 254 - Mean Mistreatment
  • Ep. 90 - Happy Sleep
    Sleep is a rhythm.
  • Ep. 91 - Happy Independence
    You are your own person--well, your own Happy person.
  • Ep. 92 - Happy Hate
    Purge yourself of what you hate, and be left with Happy. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 88 - Happy Revenge Ep. 95 - Happy FU See this fun cartoon (goes to Pency the murderous pencil
  • Ep. 93 - Happy Dating
    Don't be so goal oriented, instead learn to enjoy the company of others.
  • Ep. 94 - Setting A Happy Example
    Applying Happy behavior and choices is the example you set for yourself and others. Recommended Episode: Ep. 333 - Make Happy Choices
  • Ep. 95 - Happy FU
    Don't let little pests linger and drag you down. See also: Ep. 88 - Happy Revenge Ep. 92 - Happy Hate
  • Ep. 96 - Happy Doubt
    A little healthy skepticism and modest humility can help keep your ego in check.
  • Ep. 97 - Happy Enough
    Happy is an essence of being, a vitality, a ground state--so, you have it whether you've forgotten that or not.
  • Ep. 98 - Happy Focus
    Sharpen your mind, but don't cut yourself. See also: Ep. 14 - The Happy Mind
  • Ep. 99 - Happy Pain
    Pain is the body's alarm system. Ignore it at your own peril, but try not to wallow in it either.
  • Ep. 100 - Happy Fame
    Fame is giving up a piece of yourself in the hopes that others will meet you halfway. Recommended Episode: Ep. 257 - Fame Happy - The First Three Facts of Being Famous (also applies to Infamy) described.
  • Ep. 101 - Happy Even
    Sometimes unannounced assistance can help achieve Balance and Growth, not for Glory, but for Happy. References: Ep. 20 - Happy Helpers Ep. 72 - Happy Stress Ep. 74 - Happy Wrath Ep. 76 - Happy Guilt
  • Ep. 102 - A Happy Friend
    We need to connect with others who understand what we're trying to achieve with the Happy Way. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 10 - The Happy Way Ep. 59 - The Happy Secret Ep. 61 - Happy Friends Ep. 209 - Friend Happy
  • Ep. 103 - The Happy Now
    Looking back on experiences can provide wisdom, and looking ahead can show possibility, all for the purpose of making the present worthwhile.
  • Ep. 104 - The Happy Myth
    Cause for Effect.
  • Ep. 105- Happy Need
    Sharing needs and needing to share can help out a lot. Further references: Ep. 67 - The Happy Skeptic Ep. 74 - Happy Wrath Ep. 77 - Happy Envy
  • Ep. 106 - Happy Cool
    Perspective and mental agility increases the cool ability. See also: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility
  • Ep. 107 - Your Happy Guide
    Emotions are tools, not traps. See also: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility
  • Ep. 108 - Happy Woe
    The body can help the mind. See also: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility
  • Ep. 109 - Find Your Happy
    Balance and Growth are your natural states, so get back to the child you once were. You can even turn chores into a game. Step 1: Think of something fun! Step 2: Imagine doing something fun! Step 3: Have fun!
  • Ep. 110 - A Happy Bully
    A bully is about painful selfishness and cruel shame, so definitely not Happy. Recommended episode: Ep. 119 - A Happy Bigot.
  • Ep. 111 - The Happy Comedian
    Comedians are truth-tellers and perspective-providers. They may be addicted to laughter, but then so are we and together we can achieve Balance and Growth.
  • Ep. 112 - Happy Tears
    Sometimes all it takes is a little release. Episode referenced: Ep. 100 - Happy Fame
  • Ep. 113 - Happy Trust
    When I mess up, I turn to Happy. When others mess up, I turn to Happy. I dream of Happyland. Episde referenced: Ep. 12 - Happyland
  • Ep. 114 - Happy Luck
    You can't take advantage of an opportunity if you aren't prepared, and it won't help you if the opportunity isn't Happy. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 54 - The Happy Habit Ep. 135 - Happy Certainty Ep. 368 - Happy Luck Too
  • Ep. 115 - The Happy Me
    Happy is an outlook, so point it at yourself. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook
  • Ep. 116 - Happy Rhythm
    Learning, Love and Life are all a Rhythm. Episodes referenced: Ep. 74 - Happy Wrath - (about anger issues) Ep. 114 - Happy Luck - (about getting banned from sending cartoon reminders at work)
  • Ep. 117 - Happy Humilit
    Humility is humbleness not humiliation.
  • Ep. 118 - The Happy Good
    Balance your Moods, Clear your Mind, and Grow. Recommended Episode: Ep. 10 - The Happy Way ​ Supporting Media (goes to ARTWORK page): Mood Wheel
  • Ep. 119 - A Happy Bigot
    A bigot is willfully ignorant and hateful, while being Happy means being mindful and forgiving--so there are no Happy Bigots. Recommended episode: Ep. 110 - A Happy Bully
  • Ep. 120 - Happy Play
    Life is a serious game. It takes practice, determination, grit and intent to really benefit. With effort, you can play with the powers you gain. Cold-Mooded, like cold-blooded, means your internal state is determined by your environment, while Warm-Mooded, like Warm-Blooded, means you maintain your balance internally.
  • Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook
    Balanced Growth, Mindful Gratitude and now Compassionate Understanding! Collect all three! Episode referenced: Ep. 61 - Happy Friends Recommended Episodes: Ep. 3 - Mindfully Happy Ep. 7 - Imagine Happy Ep. 11 - Happy Sight Ep. 72 - Happy Stress Ep. 80 - Think Happy Ep. 115 - The Happy Me Ep. 122 - Happy Evolution Ep. 127 - Happy Moderation Ep. 137 - Happy Encouragement Ep. 143 - Happy Encouragement (Revisited) Ep. 146 - Happy Perspective Ep. 150 - Happy Youth Ep. 153 - Happy Expectations Ep. 155 - The Happy Touch Ep. 165 - Imagine Happy (Revisited) Ep. 236 - Outlook Happy Ep. 239 - Finding Happy
  • Ep. 122 - Happy Evolution
    Being prepared, being able to adapt, allows you to take advantage of your opportunities. Recommended Episode: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook
  • Ep. 123 - Happy Clarity
    Willful ignorance is an unnecessary and unhelpful thing. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook
  • Ep. 124 - Happy Darkness
    Furious Grief can be a killer if not released...gradually. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 88 - Happy Revenge Ep. 92 - Happy Hate Ep. 95 - Happy FU Ep. 129 - Happy Ranting
  • Ep. 125 - Happy Vision
    See calm, be calm.
  • Ep. 126 - Happy Connection
    How to feel at one with us all. Recommended Episode: Ep. 141 - Happy Goodwill
  • Ep. 127 - Happy Moderation
    Moderation in all things includes moderation itself. Pressure release and boundary testing can be vital. [Composed in rhyming verse, to keep it nice and terse]. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 3 - Mindfully Happy Ep. 35 - Happy Happy Mad Ep. 49 - Happy Rage Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Ep. 137 - Happy Encouragement Ep. 143 - Happy Encouragement (Revisited) Ep. 146 - Happy Perspective
  • Ep. 128 - Happy Time
    Energy and effort get the job done, time just makes the hours run.
  • Ep. 129 - Happy Ranting
    Release the bile! At least for a while. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 88 - Happy Revenge Ep. 92 - Happy Hate Ep. 95 - Happy FU Ep. 124 - Happy Darkness
  • Ep. 130 - Happy Consent
    Be fair or beware!
  • Ep. 131 - Happy Games
    To Play at Work and Work at Play, is nothing but the Happy Way. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 109 - Find Your Happy Ep. 120 - Happy Play
  • Ep. 132 - Happy Triggers
    Phobias can gradually abate, if you are willing to deescalate. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 75 - Happy Fear
  • Ep. 133 - The Happy Cure
    The very thing that makes me so sure, is what I call the Happy Cure. Recommended Episode: Ep. 59 - The Happy Secret Ep. 158 - The Happy Cure (Redux)
  • Ep. 134 - Happy Tolerance
    Refrain from denouncements, and try to show some respect, you may find common ground where your beliefs intersect. Recommended Episode: Ep. 242 - Tolerance Happy
  • Ep. 135 - Happy Certainty
    First picture success, then find ways to express. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 54 - The Happy Habit Ep. 114 - Happy Luck Ep. 263 - Happy Permission Ep. 352 - The Happy Unknown
  • Ep. 136 - Happy Judgement
    Go ahead and judge me, test my Humanity. Recommended Episode: Ep. 221 - Judgement Happy
  • Ep. 137 - Happy Encouragement
    Various, little achievements, day by day, encourage us to stay on the Happy Way. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 3 - Mindfully Happy Ep. 15 - Happy Will Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Ep. 127 - Happy Moderation Ep. 143 - Happy Encouragement (Revisited)
  • Ep. 138 - Happy Conscience
    The Happy Conscience is the alarm reminding us all to do no harm.
  • Ep. 139 - Happy Meaning
    We find Happy Meaning when we connect with that Inherently Happy part of ourselves. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 21 - The Happy Benefit Ep. 29 - Happy's Law
  • Ep. 140 - Happy Living
    Regulate how you Think and Feel, with Balanced Growth 'cause Happy's real! Recommended Episode: Ep. 10 - The Happy Way
  • Ep. 141 - Happy Goodwil
    It's such a pleasant thrill, having Happy Goodwill. Recommended Episode: Ep. 126 - Happy Connection
  • Ep. 142 - Happy Gratitude
    Thank Happy, Be Happy.
  • Ep. 143 - Happy Encouragement (Revisited)
    Nothing raises like good praises. Recommended Episode: Ep. 137 - Happy Encouragement
  • Ep. 144 - Happy Peace
    Awareness, Relationship and Exchange make familiar those things that seemed strange. A.R.E. will set you free from all the fears you see.
  • Ep. 145 - Happy Compassion
    Being wrong may happen at some time, but don't stay wrong--'cause that's the real crime.
  • Ep. 146 - Happy Perspective
    Helping others doesn't mean that we lose our places in line, if anything our resources are improved when we combine. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Ep. 155 - The Happy Touch Ep. 156 - Happy Grace Ep. 163 - Happy Inspiration Ep. 192 - The Happy Joke Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): How To Gain Instant Perspective
  • Ep. 147 - Happy Gloom
    Feeling just blah? Got no rah-rah? Let Happy help you find your "Ha!" Recommended Episode: Ep. 192 - The Happy Joke Ep. 223 - Gloom Happy Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Funk Vanity
  • Ep. 148 - The Happy Test
    Do you selfishly horde everything for a “rainy day?” Then you have unfortunately taken the Mean Way.
  • Ep. 149 - Happy Attachment
    Keep your sense of self at its best, by just discarding all the rest. Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Little By Little
  • Ep. 150 - Happy Youth
    You're as young now as you're ever going to be, something your future self could quite easily see. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook
  • Ep. 151 - Happy Amends
    When you've been wornged and burned, forgiveness must be earned.
  • Ep. 152 - Many Happy Returns
    Balance and Growth, Gratitude and Compassion Every day. A rewarding method to achieve goals Called the Happy Way. Recommended episode: Ep. 10 - The Happy Way Ep. 154 - Happy Ambition
  • Ep. 153 - Happy Expectations
    What you Feel and Believe should be aligned, in order to connect your Heart and Mind. Recommended episode: Ep. 72 - Happy Stress Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Are They Happy?
  • Ep. 154 - Happy Ambition
    The urge to Achieve is the urge to Grow, Add Balance, and that's Happy, don't you know? Recommended Epsiodes: Ep. 10 - The Happy Way Ep. 41 - Happy Goals Ep. 152 - Many Happy Returns
  • Ep. 155 - The Happy Touch
    If one can prepare oneself for unexpected things, then one can better cope with whatsoever that brings. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Ep. 146 - Happy Perspective
  • Ep. 156 - Happy Grace
    Having perspective makes life manageable for the Human Race, and so finding the amusing aspects can grant you Happy Grace. Recommended Episode: Ep. 146 - Happy Perspective Ep. 147 - Happy Gloom Ep. 384 - More Happy Grace
  • Ep. 157 - Happy Words
    Success isn’t measured by wrath, where only the mad win. Every experience has lessons, Happy Words, within. Recommended Episode: Ep. 73 - Happy Gossip Ep. 74 - Happy Wrath Ep. 176 - Happy Communication
  • Ep. 158 - The Happy Cure (Redux)
    Stress isn’t based on stuff, it’s based on all that you believe. Believe you’re not enough and Not-Enough’s all you’ll receive! Recommended Episode: Ep. 10 - Happy Way Ep. 133 - The Happy Cure
  • Ep. 159 - Happy Motivation
    We want to be Happy, of course, Balanced, and Growing in both Spirit and Mind. Gaining Wisdom--Straight from the Source! Our definition of Life, redefined!
  • Ep. 160 - Happy's Balanced Growth
    There’s always something more than what you know now, And it could be the very thing that helps you, But choosing to disconnect, to disavow, Is the path that leads to pain in all you do. Happy Growth Pattern 1. Oblivious - we don't know what we don't know 2. Curious - we learn something new 3. Conscious - we explore with intention 4. Intuitive - it becomes second nature Recommended Episode: Ep. 184 - Happy Finesse Ep. 207 - Growth Happy
  • Ep. 161 - Happy Haha
    A joke can teach and a lesson should be fun. You choose if your life story’s a Happy one. Recommended Episode: Ep. 58 - Happy Humor Ep. 192 - The Happy Joke
  • Ep. 162 - Happy Attention
    The trick’s to not scold for Failure, but praise for Success, Don’t dwell on Errors, but give Balanced Growth a Hell Yes!
  • Ep. 163 - Happy Inspiration
    Find your passion, find your purpose, share your ideas and get ‘er done! Work through your fears, find your flow, and above all remember to have fun. Recommended Episode: Ep. 146 - Happy Perspective Ep. 319 - Happy Inspired Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): How To Gain Instant Perspective
  • Ep. 164 - Happy Pressure
    Convert dread to anticipation, and angst to hope, Don't go blaming yourself, 'cause it's a slippery slope. Recommended Episode: Ep. 72 - Happy Stress Ep. 169 - Happy Worry
  • Ep. 165 - Imagine Happy (Revisited)
    Happy isn't some distant, abstract notion, Happy is Balance and Growth set in motion. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 7 - Imagine Happy Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook
  • Ep. 166 - Happy versus Mean
    The Battle for Humanity's Favor. (I recommend the one with more flavor). Recommended Episode: Ep. 89 - Happy Mean Ep. 171 - Meanness Kills! Ep. 254 - Mean Mistreatment
  • Ep. 167 - Happy Forgiveness
    Remember it’s not for them, it’s for you, a Happy healing gift, Even if you forgive them from afar, you’ll still feel the shift. Recommended Episode: Ep. 43 - The Happy Release
  • Ep. 168 - The Happy Spirit
    The Happy Spirit within us finds its greatest expression through Laughter. The Breath of Life joining Hearts and Minds--if that is, indeed, what you’re after. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 3 - Mindfully Happy Ep. 14 - The Happy Mind Ep. 33 - The Happy Life Ep. 58 - Happy Humor
  • Ep. 169 - Happy Worry
    If you have some control, then work on a solution, but if it’s out of your hands, accept absolution. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 72 - Happy Stress Ep. 164 - Happy Pressure
  • Ep. 170 - Happy Silly
    Balanced Growth is the Happy Way, and that gives ample time to Play! Recommended Episode: Ep. 210 - Silly Happy
  • Ep. 171 - Meanness Kills!
    Meanness Kills! - It adds toxic stress to an already overworked life. Death already has your appointment on the books, so stop looking for a cancellation! Recommended Episodes: Ep. 89 - Happy Mean Ep. 166 - Happy versus Mean Ep. 254 - Mean Mistreatment Ep. 338 - Meanness Kills (Again)
  • Ep. 172 - Happy Madness
    Moods can occupy space in your Mind without danger of overtaking it, but only if you get used to them first, allowing them to be a good fit. Recommended Episode: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 16 - Mad Trip Happy Journey Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): The Snap The Heart Flu Unhinged
  • Ep. 173 - Happy Work
    (What Big Faith doesn't want you to know!) Recommended Episode: Ep. 10 - The Happy Way Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Little by Little
  • Ep. 174 - The Happy Song
    Now for some reminders set to music! (Or singing anyway). Recommended Episode: Ep. 339 - The Inherently Happy Song
  • Ep. 175 - Happy Divine
    Divine (as a verb) means to guess, which is what Faith is (yes). Recommended Episode: Ep. 2 - Detective of Divinity Ep. 67 - The Happy Skeptic Ep. 212 - Divine Happy Ep. 327 - God Happy Ep. 392 - Divinely Happy
  • Ep. 176 - Happy Communication
    Language isn't just what you say, it's who you are. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 73 - Happy Gossip Ep. 157 - Happy Words
  • Ep. 177 - Happy Attack
    The lizard brain that insists we must fight, run or freeze in the face of even the slightest, perceived danger can be overridden.
  • Ep. 178 - The Happy Creed
    [Perfectly safe to mix with other beliefs of your choosing]. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding.
  • Ep. 179 - A Happy Kid
    We are all Happy kids hidden under layers of Maturity. Just remember to laugh, and play, and share, and you will see a Happy kid is still there. Recommended Episode: Ep. 183 - Happy Adulting
  • Ep. 180 - My Happy Enemies
    Dear Future Happy Friends, I forgive you and want to make amends...(so don't be jerks about it or I'm coming for you--sorry, sorry, scratch that last bit).
  • Ep. 181 - Happy Posture
    Shoulders, Tummy, Head and Spine, Happy Posture will align.
  • Ep. 182 - Happy Contrition
    Happy Contrition may prevent bad blood being spilt. For more on this topic, check out Happy Guilt. [That’s episode seventy-six of this here podcast. Go to HaHaHappy(dot)org--it’s a blast!] Episode referenced: Ep. 76 - Happy Guilt
  • Ep. 183 - Happy Adulting
    Keep the kid alive! Recommended Episode: Ep. 179 - A Happy Kid
  • Ep. 184 - Happy Finesse
    By patiently practicing Mindful Gratitude and Compassionate Understanding we can achieve Balance and Growth and develop Happy Finesse. Recommended Epsiode: Ep. 160 - Happy's Balanced Growth
  • Ep. 185 - Happy Control
    Dwelling on past failures, even to mine them for lessons, perpetuates a victim mentality. Try letting the past go by rewriting them as successes, instead, and see what that does to your perspective.
  • Ep. 186 - Where's Happy?
    I'd like to see your manager, please! Take me to your leader to put me at my ease!
  • Ep. 187 - The Happy Path
    It's the one of least resistance, but it still takes you to walk it.
  • Ep. 188 - Happy Privilege
    The freedom to choose balanced growth and compassionate understanding, despite the restrictions we may live under and the prejudices we may not even realize we have.
  • Ep. 189 - The Happy Rule
    It’s your Happy Way starting place, kind of a Happy Way Home Base. Recommended Episode: Ep. 10 - The Happy Way
  • Ep. 190 - Happy Me
    Happy Me would do whatever it took to be and stay Happy Me. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia Ep. 10 - The Happy Way
  • Ep. 191 - Happy Diversity
    Awareness, Relationship and Exchange ARE how you acclimate yourself to Happy Diversity. Recommended Episode: Ep. 144 - Happy Peace
  • Ep. 192 - The Happy Joke
    Everything's funny (with perspective). Recommended Episodes: Ep. 58 - Happy Humor Ep. 146 - Happy Perspective Ep. 147 - Happy Gloom Ep. 161 - Happy Haha
  • Ep. 193 - The Mood Diet
    Moods can be tools used to cope, but they can also be overindulged to the point of abuse. So, healthy, mindful moderation rather than drastic upheaval, may just be the way to go. Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): Mood Wheel
  • Ep. 194 - The Inherently Happy Way
    Adding a little fun to your life every day, is a big part of the Inherently Happy Way. Recommended Episode: Ep. 10 - The Happy Way
  • Ep. 195 - Practically Happy
    Some tips to de-stress and, yes, even pre-de-stress, if that's your pleasure, with a nice little mantra/quick-reminder thrown in for good measure.
  • Ep. 196 - A Happy Grudge
    A Happy Grudge is no grudge at all, In fact, it’s Empathy for you both, (each player in this game of hardball)-- that’s the meaning of Balance and Growth. Recommended Episode: Ep. 88 - Happy Revenge Ep. 224 - Grudge Happy
  • Ep. 197 - Happy Prep
    Getting into the Inherently Happy mindset is something that one really should do step by step. I'm going from solitude to crowd control and can use every bit of the Happy I can Prep. Recommended Episode: Ep. 198 - The Inherently Happy Way Field Test
  • Ep. 198 - The Inherently Happy Way Field Test
    Assessing a Balanced Growth approach in a huge crowd, last week's prep was this week's coach (and, yes, it did get loud). Recommended Episode: Ep. 197 - Happy Prep
  • Ep. 199 - Almost Happy
    Being a work in progress means setbacks can't destroy you, since you weren't finished anyway. Episodes Mentioned: Ep. 12 - Happyland Ep. 26 - Our Happy Home
  • Ep. 200 - Happy Violence
    We need to learn from violence to avoid repeating it, but must we repeat it in order to learn from it? Fiction can provide such lessons without all the lesions. Stay tuned.
  • Ep. 201 - Introducing Happy Jim and Callous McGee
    Callous McGee has Maniacal Glee, so Happy Jim is his sworn enemy, but try as he might to destroy his foe, Jim stays Happy and simply won't go. Recommended Episode: Ep. 200 - Happy Violence
  • Ep. 202 - Horror Happy - with Happy Jim and Callous McGee
    Humans don't just like a bit of mayhem, we're positively Horror Happy! But maybe if we can keep it to fiction we can quench our savage bloodlust with stage blood instead. [with Happy Jim and Callous McGee] Recommended Episode: Ep. 201 - Introducing Happy Jim and Callous McGee
  • Ep. 203 - Help Happy - When Happy Jim met Callous McGee
    Jim likes to help, Callous doesn't, but even Callous appreciated that first time Jim helped him. Referenced Episode: Ep. 106 - Happy Cool
  • Ep. 204 - Balance Happy
    Means there's Happy in Mean and Mean in Happy, is what it means. Recommended Episode: Ep. 207 - Growth Happy
  • Ep. 205 - Belief Happy
    You can believe too much.
  • Ep. 206 - Death Happy
    As a species we’re preoccupied with The End, but it needn’t be morbid or meant to offend. Recommended Episode: Ep. 86 - Happy Death
  • Ep. 207 - Growth Happy
    Growth just happens whether anyone likes it or not, though self-improvement does get overreated a lot. Recommended Episode: Ep. 160 - Happy's Balanced Growth Ep. 204 - Balance Happy
  • Ep. 208 - Gift Happy
    I want to give Mean people the gift of seeing the Happy within themselves, and if that makes them feel guilty for their past Meanness, then--gravy!
  • Ep. 209 - Friend Happy
    So, remember to pace yourself when making a new Happy Friend, and do it for the sake of Happy Friendship, not a means to an end. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 61 - Happy Friends Ep. 102 - A Happy Friend
  • Ep. 210 - Silly Happy
    Silly is something you can choose to be, just don’t let it turn into Maniacal Glee. Recommended Episode: Ep. 170 - Happy Silly
  • Ep. 211 - Ego Happy
    If you don't love me after this, then just know that I still do. Referenced Episode: Ep. 53 - The Happy Ego
  • Ep. 212 - Divine Happy
    I'm positively mad about the search for the Divine. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 2 - Detective of Divinity Ep. 10 - The Happy Way Ep. 67 - The Happy Skeptic Ep. 175 - Happy Divine Ep. 194 - The Inherently Happy Way Ep. 213 - Sign Happy Ep. 248 - Dear Happy Ep. 327 - God Happy Ep. 392 - Divinely Happy
  • Ep. 213 - Sign Happy
    How I search for the Divine is first I look for a sign. Sign hunts can be fun! (Maybe this is one!) Recommended Episodes: Ep. 77 - Happy Envy Ep. 212 - Divine Happy
  • Ep. 214 - Still Happy
    I invite you--heck, I challenge you!--to say what you feel and tell me what's real--I’m a caretaker type, so feel free to gripe, or just say "Yowza Haha, My Happy Friend," and simply hit send.
  • Ep. 215 - Power Happy
    Don’t seek out ways to overpower others just because you’re mad, for life isn’t just one event but an entire Olympiad. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 15 - The Happy WIll Ep. 18 - The Happy Heart
  • Ep. 216 - Think Happy (Again)
    I Think Happy and therefore I am Happy. Recommended Episode: Ep. 80 - Think Happy
  • Ep. 217 - Extreme Happy
    If you can explore emotional extremes in safe ways, then maybe you won’t be so caught off guard when Life itself gets extreme and unbelievably hard. Recommended Episode: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility
  • Ep. 218 - Solitude Happy
    What begins as a way to keep safe can become quite the isolating dependency if you don't try to connect and experience life, at least that's, for some, the tendency.
  • Ep. 219 - Why Happy
    Ruminations on why life is like this. Concur? Care to share? Click the Connect button and write to me. Why not? Episode mentioned: Ep. 68 - Why Happy?
  • Ep. 220 - Revenge Happy
    Dreaming of revenge for veritable ages may mean that forgiveness needs to come in stages. Recommended Episode: Ep. 88 - Happy Revenge
  • Ep. 221 - Judgement Happy
    You should reserve your judgement of others until you learn more, because connection is what human societies are for. Recommended Episode: Ep. 136 - Happy Judgement
  • Ep. 222 - Care Happy
    Caring is great, but caring too much can get you stuck doing all the work for someone who passes the buck.
  • Ep. 223 - Gloom Happy
    A dash of gloom can help prepare you for the worst, as long as you remember to pace yourself first. (Not to hard sell or even be indiscreet, but this one's actually kind of upbeat)
  • Ep. 224 - Grudge Happy
    A grudge against a wrongdoer can be a convoluted thing, but maybe just release one small part and see what peace that may bring. Recommended Episode: Ep. 196 - A Happy Grudge Ep. 289 - Callous Grudges
  • Ep. 225 - Pain Happy
    Not a thing to fear, just letting you know that danger's near. Recommended Episode: Ep. 28 - The Happy Energy
  • Ep. 226 - Fair Happy
    We all want fairness (whatever that means to us), we just have to ensure we don't go too far in that pursuit. [Grade school shunning discussed.] Recommended Episode: Ep. 388 - Happy Fairness
  • Ep. 227 - Truth Happy
    Truth is not always the same thing as Reality. Art, for instance, can express the depths of the Human Condition through make-believe.
  • Ep. 228 - Guilt Happy
    One thing not to forget: All Guilt is not the same-- There's both mindful Regret, and self-destructive Shame. Referenced Episode: Ep. 76 - Happy Guilt [includes helpful exercises]
  • Ep. 229 - Fear Happy
    Fear is a choice, a reaction and a method of self-protection for that which you hold most dear. So, tell me, my Happy Friends, what is it that you love to fear? Referenced Episode: Ep. 75 - Happy Fear
  • Ep. 230 - Hope Happy
    One can go a bit Hope Happy--if one doesn’t take care, leaving everything to chance and wishing on empty air. Recommended Eipsodes: Ep. 51 - The Hope Test Ep. 223 - Gloom Happy
  • Ep. 231 - Discover Happy
    For my hunger for discovery is insatiable, which isn’t very balanced, I’ll admit, So, I suppose that makes me something of a glutton, a discover-Happy, growth-crazed mis-fit. Referenced Episode: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility
  • Ep. 232 - The Happy Empath
    I upcycle pain. Recommended Episode: Ep. 246 - Empath Happy
  • Ep. 233 - The Happy Saint
    Inherently Happy - Episode two-thirty-three - The Happy Saint First the Happy Creed: We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends My mother Barbara Ann Storrs Bennett Ulrich, passed away peacefully on February 12, 2022 at the age of 85. And she was the closest thing to a Happy Saint as I have ever seen. She was pleasant and resourceful, always rallying her friends and family for some cause or another, and she knew how to say thank you in the best of ways. She was the kind of person who if you, say, went to a restaurant with her, by the time you left you would know the names and life stories of the hostess, the server, the chef, the owner, the busboy, and the people sitting at nearby tables. And she could be so understanding too, like, if you made a mistake, and she knew it was an accident, then she could be incredibly forgiving. If you did something wrong on purpose, however, well, that might not go by without remark or corrective steps taken. For she was also vigilant. I, myself, ran afoul of her a few times, and I can still taste the soap she washed my mouth out with. And, as I was a bit of a handful as a youth, --a foul-mouthed troublemaker, to be plain-- that displayed incredible restraint on her part. And she wasn’t just nice to talk to and genuinely interested in other people, she also loved introducing them to each other, to give them a chance to meet incredibly interesting people too. She had friends from her childhood, friends from her neighborhood, from her town, from her clubs and societies, and also people she randomly met in line at the bank. Seriously. Many is the time she started sentences with “I have to tell you about this interesting person I just met…” and that meeting typically occurred in the most random of places. And those chance meetings, and little acts of random kindness, sometimes developed into lifelong connections. She was on the Town Welcome Wagon committee when we were kids, and she welcomed a family from Pakistan, the Khans, who had just moved there. They had to rent a small apartment while they went house hunting and as they has no bedding, dishes or utensils yet my mom called around to make sure she could get enough of everything to supply them. No one else on the Welcome Wagon had bothered to so much as talk to the Khans, but since my mother was so great with them, and my dad liked them too, which was a bit more rare, they became my second set of godparents. My first set lived overseas but, apparently, Mom felt I needed a local one too. Oh, and the home my new godparents wound up buying was a nice, little, nine-bedroom mansion with a garage bigger than my house! They had a swimming pool, a dog kennel, multiple TV rooms, visitors from all over the world, six kids of various ages, and a seemingly endless supply of ice cream. They became our extended family and I could invite anyone up there I wished. Mom made friends so easily, I think, because, as dad would say, she was completely without guile. She was exactly who she seemed to be, friendly, inquisitive, genuinely interested, and fiercely loyal. Her friends appreciated her so much, they invited the rest of us to their clubs, societies, and special events-- often because Mom had been the one who introduced most of them to those clubs, societies and special events in the first place. If she could get a ne’er-do-well such as I had been to canvass voters door to door as a teenager, then she could get anyone to do anything. She never missed a chance to remember someone’s birthday, anniversary or life event, with a card or a care package. She insisted we never show up at someone’s house without a gift, and that we send a thank you note afterwards. Picture her getting a teenager to pick out a housewarming gift and then handwriting a thank you card on multiple occasions and you will see that the moniker of The Happy Saint carries with it both a force of will as well as a tranquility of spirit. She always wanted to make sure everyone got along, and she loved that everyone wasn’t the same, as she often used to say to me when I was a kid, “if everyone was the same then the world would be borrrr-rrring.” She was the best of us, she taught me how to be kind, friendly, and resourceful, and of the importance of keeping my elbows off the table, and I taught her how to be silly. For I wouldn’t consider a conversation complete if I couldn’t make her laugh by the end of it. And laugh she did. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 234 - Goal Happy
    The Happy Way to acheive one's goals is to Think Happy, Plan Happy, Work Happy and then Rest Happy. Repeat as needed. Recommended Episode: Ep. 41 - Happy Goals
  • Ep. 235 - Patiently Happy
    The trick to being patient in no way requires you to enjoy waiting.
  • Ep. 236 - Outlook Happy
    I want to have a Happy Outlook. So bad. Recommended Episode: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook
  • Ep. 237 - Friendship Happy
    Friends should help, so watch out for those who don't. Referenced Episode: Ep. 61 - Happy Friends
  • Ep. 238 - Emotionally Happy
    Feelings are not the same as behavior. Learning to regulate your moods can help you maintain Balance and Growth. Supporting Media (goes to Artwork Page): Mood Wheel
  • Ep. 239 - Finding Happy
    Though effort is required, granting a primacy to gratitude and compassion can make the world a safer and sweeter place. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 67 - The Happy Skeptic Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook
  • Ep. 240 - Adaptably Happy
    It’s not weak to adapt, in fact, it’s a bit silly to remain rigid when there’s a turn up ahead, and there’s always a turn up ahead. #NotATurnipAhead Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): Mood Wheel
  • Ep. 241 - Happy Or So
    It's not all gravy, but still.
  • Ep. 242 - Tolerance Happy
    Endurance test. Fifteen minutes of stream of consciousness advice to my future self. Unscripted. How much can you tolerate? Recommended Episode: Ep. 134 - Happy Tolerance
  • Ep. 243 - Me Happy
    Am I always actively Happy? Well, no, because despite Balance and Growth being our factory settings, I don't always feel it. I know it's there though, ready for me to reconnect with when I need it.
  • Ep. 244 - Trigger Happy
    A good laugh and a mild, underlying sense of constant worry arm me against a host of triggers. So, come at me, World!
  • Ep. 245 - Shortcut Happy
    Three shortcuts to a change in perspective. The Low Expectations Shortcut The Quick Project Shortcut The Good Old Now Shortcut Recommended Episode: Ep. 121 - A Happy Outlook Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): How To Gain Instant Perspective
  • Ep. 246 - Empath Happy
    Hyper-sensitivity can be developed, but it can also originate from trauma allowing one to relate to others who have felt the same. Recommended Episode: Ep. 232 - The Happy Empath
  • Ep. 247 - Talent Happy
    We marvel at talent thinking it rare, but we all have talent, we're just unaware.
  • Ep. 248 - Dear Happy
    Hi, Happy, it's me. You know the one. Quick question: Are you Divine? Please reply in a very obvious way as I'm clearly no good at getting subtlety. Recommended Episode: Ep. 212 - Divine Happy
  • Ep, 249 - Nice Happy
    Being Nice and helpful is all well and good, but sometimes saying No every now and again allows you to conserve some strength so you can be Nice again tomorrow. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 52 - Happy Nice Ep. 251 - The Happy Struggle Ep. 286 - Happy Advocacy
  • Ep. 250 - Happy Service
    I want to help people, and be of Happy Service. To show people the way to amusement, and amazement, balance and growth. And you can too. Haha Yowza.
  • Ep. 251 - The Happy Struggle
    Being Nice may feel weird at first, but people will often like you better, and it doesn't make you a pushover, it makes you a trendsetter! Recommended Episodes: Ep. 52 - Happy Nice Ep. 249 - Nice Happy
  • Ep. 252 - Share Happy
    I like to overshare as it weeds out those who simply don't care. Recommended Episode: Ep. 61 - Happy Friends
  • Ep. 253 - Happy Purpose
    Whatever helps you and others stay Balanced and Growing is your Happy Purpose.
  • Ep. 254 - Mean Mistreatment
    It's not just what Meanies do, it's also how they're made. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 89 - Happy Mean Ep. 166 - Happy versus Mean Ep. 171 - Meanness Kills!
  • Ep. 255 - Happy Relating
    Even though we all have different experiences, we can still relate to other people on a human, individual and even personal level--if we're willing to allow it.
  • Ep. 256 - Mood Exercises - 'Round The Mood Wheel
    An exercise to help you map out your own moods to get a better handle on them for when it's go time. Supporting Media: (goes to Artwork page) Mood Wheel Recommended Episoe: Ep. 303 - Mood Wheel-in' - Guilt to Glad Ep. 322 - Visualize Your Moods Ep. 329 - Be Glad and Say Haha Ep. 342 - A Pocketful of Moods Ep. 347 - Happy Daily Mood Drills
  • Ep. 257 - Fame Happy
    The First Three Facts of Being Famous (also applies to Infamy) described. Recommended Episode: Ep. 100 - Happy Fame
  • Ep. 258 - Welcome to the Happy Agency
    Rehab-ing Meanies from behind the Scene-ies.
  • Ep. 259 - The Mean Game
    A little roleplay can be fun and help blow off steam before it builds up for real.
  • Ep. 260 - The Mean Mind
    Where Mean thoughts spread and fester (contains an exercise on how to shrink yours). Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): Little by Little Recommended Episode: Ep. 14 - The Happy Mind Ep. 261 - Mean Thoughts
  • Ep. 261 - Mean Thoughts
    Meanies aren’t born they’re made, depending on how far from Happy they’ve strayed. Recommended Episode: Ep. 260 - The Mean Mind
  • Ep. 262 - Happy Being Happy
    Embrace the Happy within to transform Mean to Nice. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia Ep. 260 - The Mean Mind Ep. 262 - Mean Thoughts
  • Ep. 263 - Happy Permission
    Allow yourself the freedom to be uncertain. This is how we learn. Recommended Episode: Ep. 135 - Happy Certainty Ep. 352 - The Happy Unknown Ep. 367 - Happy Say-So
  • Ep. 264 - Dear Divinity
    If you exist, please make your presence known to me. And don’t be too subtle, or a tease, but something big and bold if you please.
  • Ep. 265 - Nice and Mean
    Nice people try to be Happy, while Mean people try to make everyone else more miserable than they are. Which one are you? And which ones are those you spend time with?
  • Ep. 266 - Tolerably Nice
    I'm not Absolutely Nice, or close to it, like my Mom, nor Relatively Nice, though often far from it, like my Dad. I'm just Tolerably Nice. I help when I can, and self-advocate when I must. Recommended Episode: Ep. 52 - Happy Nice
  • Ep. 267 - Happy Power
    Having control over your own emotions can be a powerful thing. Referenced Episodes: Ep. 203 - Help Happy Ep. 226 - Fair Happy
  • Ep. 268 - Learn Happy
    Learning, not just memorizing, but actually understanding, is where Knowledge gets its power. Referenced Episode: Ep. 61 - Happy Friends
  • Ep. 269 - Super Happy
    If I were super Happy, then nothing you could say could bother me. My emotions and my thoughts would be my own, and I would be mentally free.
  • Ep. 270 - Happy Drive!
    If you want Happy Drive, which is the will to live and thrive, then you needn’t go too far as it’s already who you are. *** Happy Drive! I have Happy Drive, it helps keep me alive, ‘cause I want to live to see what becomes of Happy Me. Perhaps I’ll save the world, from the Abyss into which we’re hurled, or maybe I’ll show us all how to make a Happy overhaul. If you want Happy Drive, which is the will to live and thrive, then you needn’t go too far as it’s already who you are. Your body keeps on going, your juices keep on flowing, that’s not some idle perk, that’s just Happy Drive at work. Happy Drive is what you want, be it job or confidant, that thing you long to get, but haven’t got it yet. I want to help and entertain, ease your tension and your pain, show you what you can do when you’re your Happy You. So I have Happy Drive, it helps keep me alive, ‘cause I want to live to see what becomes of Happy Me.
  • Ep. 271 - Happy Procrastinating
    If you procrastinate your fury, you might just forget to get mad.
  • Ep. 272 - Happy Action
    Anything that brings you balance and growth, including listening to this podcast. Recommended Episode: Ep. 33 - The Happy Life Ep. 282 - Happy Action (Too)
  • Ep. 273 - Happy Unbound
    Forget your rules, man! Just be free in your creativity! Recommended Episode: Ep. 362 - Happy Boundaries
  • Ep. 274 - Find Your Happy Noise
    The sound of the real Happy you.
  • Ep. 275 - Happy Makes Light
    Wherever there is bitterness in my all too human heart, whenever I dwell on things like rage and spite, Happy encourages me to make a brand new start, For darkness begets darkness while Happy Makes Light.
  • Ep. 276 - Comfortably Happy
    Not being at the mercy of one’s moods, the way one might be of an illness, is the goal. Referenced Episode: Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia
  • Ep. 277 - Happy Suicide
    There’s no such thing as Happy Suicide, sacrificing yourself to save others isn’t quite the same, No, I mean despair, discouragement and wounded pride, and making the choice to quit trying to play the game.
  • Ep. 278 - Happy Relativity
    What you consider good, could be offensive to someone else’s point of view. So, your own Happy Relativity is what’s Happy relative to you.
  • Ep. 279 - Happy Equilibrium
    Balanced Growth is like carrying a cup of hot chocolate while climbing up stairs, if you don't keep moving while still being chill, then it'll either get too cold or you'll have a big spill. Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): How To Gain Instant Perspective
  • Ep. 280 - How To Forgive A Bully
    To all the bullies that I’ve ever known, from recent times to before I was grown, I’d like to forgive you, but not because I think you were right.
  • Ep. 281 - Happy Humankind
    You can't change your past, but you can change your path, towards Happy, Balanced Growth and away from Wrath.
  • Ep. 282 - Happy Action (Too)
    Think how to achieve balance and growth before everything you do, and you’ll be able to take Happy Action too. Recommended Episode: Ep. 272 - Happy Action
  • Ep. 283 - Revenge Makes Mean
    Revenge on those who were mean to you just makes you mean like them, and how is that a victory?
  • Ep. 284 - Happy Ripples
    If you choose hate, then that's all that you'll spread. Wouldn't you rather be Happy instead?
  • Ep. 285 - Happy Self-Control
    Self-Control is a superpower.
  • Ep. 286 - Happy Advocacy
    You can stand up for yourself without tearing others down. Recommended Episode: Ep. 249 - Nice Happy
  • Ep. 287 - Happy Intentions
    Moving towards balance and growth with purpose and determination.
  • Ep. 288 - One Big Happy Family
    If you can see yourself in others, then you can fully appreciate the family of humankind. Recommended Episode: Ep. 42 - The Happy Family
  • Ep. 289 - Callous Grudges
    And how to avoid them. Recommended Episode: Ep. 224 - Grudge Happy
  • Ep. 290 - Happy Belief
    Any belief that helps you achieve Balance and Growth.
  • Ep. 291 - Happy Confidence
    A sense of self-assuredness, tempered by the certainty that it may not go your way, but that you’ll still be okay.
  • Ep. 292 - A Happy One
    Makes life more fun.
  • Ep. 293 - Happy Soothing
    Edges Smoothing.
  • Ep. 294 - Mood Forecast
    What's the outlook?
  • Ep. 295 - Happy Reframing
    Change begins with a new perspective. What do you have, not what don't you have. What can you do, not what can't you do. When can you start, not why can't you.
  • Ep. 296 - Faith Happy
    People love to congregate.
  • Ep. 297 - Happy To Amuse
    How to have fun with salesfolk.
  • Ep. 298 - Emotional Velocitization - Emotionalitization
    When you feel strongly for so long that it no longer feels so strong. Recommended Episode: Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia
  • Ep. 299 - Mean Happy
    Don't let Meanness drive you mad. Try and take the time to understand a Mean person, they might've been waiting for someone to be Nice.
  • Ep. 300 - Why I Bother with Happy
    Haven't you always wondered why I haven't shut up about this stuff even after 300 weeks in a row? Find out why in ten minutes! Available everywhere podcasts are found with full catalog and supporting materials at #WhyHappy
  • Ep. 301 - Happy Time Off
    Take breaks to refresh, not to lose focus. This wasn't an episode, just an announcement that I'd be taking a break, and then it was.
  • Ep. 302 - Happy Patience
    Practice patience when you don't need it, so you'll have it when you do. Episode Referenced: Ep. 298 - Emotional Velocitization - Emotionalitization
  • Ep. 303 - Mood Wheel-in' - Guilt to Glad
    A counter-clockwise spin 'round the mood wheel to build emotional agility, endurance and strength, allowing you to run through light forms of each mood to get a feel for their wavelength. Supporting Media: (goes to Artwork page) Mood Wheel Recommended Episode: Ep. 256 - Mood Exercises - 'Round the Mood Wheel Ep. 322 - Visualize Your Moods Ep. 324 - Gauge Your Moods Ep. 347 - Happy Daily Mood Drills Ep. 356 - Minute Moods
  • Ep. 304 - Truly Happy
    Free from desire, connected to the Happy within & the Happy Universe Entire. Beyond this short fuse, with infinite views. Knowing what, why and how--After, not now. For the rest, we just do our best. Recommended Episode: Ep. 28 - The Happy Energy
  • Ep. 305 - Happy Plans
    Get comfortable making plans, so that you can be adaptable when things change. Recommended Episode: Ep. 41 - Happy Goals
  • Ep. 306 - The Happy Cynic
    Moods are helpful tools and can provide you with a much-needed escape, but they need to be practiced regularly in order to keep them in shape.
  • Ep. 307 - Weird Happy
    Be weird like me and spread Niceness--this Mean old world could use it.
  • Ep. 308 - What Happy Likes
    We put pressure on wants when we call them needs, robbing them of joy, making a tedious tool out of an entertaining toy.
  • Ep. 309 - Mad Town Dad
    I grew up near Mad, which brought me to Sad, and is why I much prefer Glad, though until my dying day, I'll still always know the way.
  • Ep. 310 - Happy No Kill
    Play Nice, Not Mean.
  • Ep. 311 - That Happy Spark
    That eternal, self-aware part of You occupying this earthly realm until your bio-gear wears out, and who sometimes needs a bit of reminding as to how all the little parts work.
  • Ep. 312 - Happy Verse
    Invention with Intention.
  • Ep. 313 - Be Of Happy Service
    Helping any helps all, few or many, big or small.
  • Ep. 314 - The Happy Approach
    Courageous, Tolerant and Still, All aspects of the Happy Will.
  • Ep. 315 - Your Happy Center
    Connect with your Happy self. Happy is Everywhere. Both metaphysically, and, you know, wherever podcasts are found. A handy reminder in only two minutes!
  • Ep. 316 - Accomplishment Happy
    Attain a small goal to take back control.
  • Ep. 317 - Happy Attraction
    Learn to like things that are good for you.
  • Ep. 318 - Why Not Be Mean?
    How you read that question says a lot about how you see the world.
  • Ep. 319 - Happy Inspired
    Nothing inspires quite like success, so make something, anything--take it from concept to completion and let that inspire you to do it again. Now with a new Happy Face! Recommended Episode: Ep. 163 - Happy Inspiration
  • Ep. 320 - I Am Happy
    Not some idle phrase, but a simple reminder that you have coping tools at your disposal if you so choose.
  • Ep. 321 - Change Happy
    There's ony three things you must remember, 1 is that Change happens all the time, 2 is that you cannot stop Change, and 3 is [available on the podcast].
  • Ep. 322 - Visualize Your Moods
    Imagine them, get to know them, and then you can use your Moods as you see fit, and not be at their mercy. Supporting Media (goes to ARTWORK page): Mood Wheel Recommended Episodes: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia Ep. 256 - Mood Exercises - 'Round the Mood Wheel Ep. 303 - Mood Wheel-in' Ep. 347 - Happy Daily Mood Drills
  • Ep. 323 - The Importance of Being Nice
    Being Nice helps you calibrate away from Being Mean.
  • Ep. 324 - Gauge Your Moods
    Take a quick quiz to see which moods you may still need to practice. Chose the most prominent mood for each: A. Hope B. Mad C. Fear D. Sad E. Guilt F. Glad 1. How do you feel when something is coming up you are looking forward to? 2. How do you feel when someone gives you a gift? 3. How do you feel when you face small challenges? 4. How do you feel when you think about your long-term goals? 5. How do you feel when you think about a past mistake? 6. How do you feel when you hear unfortunate news that only affects you indirectly? 7. How do you feel when you get a compliment? 8. How do you feel when you’re planning a vacation or a break? 9. How do you feel If you're running late for an important appointment? 10. How do you feel when you're doing a hobby or a leisure activity? Supporting Media: ​Mood Wheel (goes to Artwork page) Recommended Episodes: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 303 - Mood Wheel-in' - Guilt To Glad Ep. 334 - Nine Happy Questions Ep. 347 - Happy Daily Mood Drills
  • Ep. 325 - The Mood Game
    Play. Feel. Learn.
  • Ep. 326 - The Five Levels of Certainty
    A trust scale from doubt to confidence. 1. I Don't Know 2. I Guess 3. I Think 4. I Believe 5. I Know
  • Ep. 327 - God Happy
    Whether doubter or devotee, a common debate is the Divine. Recommended Episode: Ep. 2 - Detective of Divinity Ep. 67 - The Happy Skeptic Ep. 175 - Happy Divine Ep. 212 - Divine Happy Ep. 296 - Faith Happy Ep. 392 - Divinely Happy
  • Ep. 328 - A Happy Revelation
    You ever finally figure out who you really are?
  • Ep. 329 - Be Glad and Say Haha
    Induce a mood to keep it toned, ignore them all and feel disowned. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 5 - Emotia - Emotional Inertia Ep. 303 - Mood Wheel-in'- Guilt To Glad Ep. 256 - Mood Exercises - 'Round The Mood Wheel
  • Ep. 330 - Happy Homebase
    You're always welcome at your Happy Place.
  • Ep. 331 - Happy Blessings
    Happy are those who listen.
  • Ep. 332 - Choose To Be You
    It's not that you have to be you, it's that you get to be you. You get to decide how and what you do.
  • Ep. 333 - Make Happy Choices
    Advocate for yourself as you would have others advocate for you.
  • Ep. 334 - Nine Happy Questions
    For Instant Mindfulness, ask your Happy Self: What do I Want, Love, Hate, Fear, and feel Guilty about? What makes me Mad, Sad, gives me Hope, and makes me Glad? Recommended Episode: Ep. 324 - Gauge Your Moods E. 347 - Happy Daily Mood Drills
  • Ep. 335 - How Easy Are You To Upset?
    Your personality is up to you. Behavior is character--you are how you do. From agitation to balance, hostility to growth, small changes to one can help adjust both. I used to have unchecked anger, until I started making small, manageable changes over time to whatever I could both control and see results from, and was able to take charge of my behavior. You can too.
  • Ep. 336 - Are You Hated?
    You can still find ways to like yourself and find your tribe! You can even join mine, if you like! I'm quite a delight!
  • Ep. 337 - How To Be Time Happy and Never Be Late Again
    Uncover the real reason behind chronic tardiness and how a simple shift in your mindset can help realign your relationship with timeliness, and enhance your wellbeing.
  • Ep. 338 - Meanness Kills (Again)
    Cruelty and Stinginess don't discriminate, but harm everyone they touch--from those who give too little, to those who take too much. Recommended Episode: Ep. 171 - Meanness Kills!
  • Ep. 339 - The Inherently Happy Song
    Happy Lord Geoffrey Edition. Inherently Happy Means Balance and Growth are built right into your Hearts and Minds both. Recommended Episode: Ep. 174 - The Happy Song
  • Ep. 340 - Justifiably Mean
    When to give tough love.
  • Ep. 341 - If No Gods Exist
    What's gained? What's lost? What reward? What cost?
  • Ep. 342 - A Pocketful of Moods
    A handy guide to emotional agility. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 256 - Mood Exercises - 'Round The Mood Wheel Supporting Media (goes to Artwork page): The Mood Wheel
  • Ep. 343 - The Happy Truth
    Without Truth there can be no Trust, and for Balance and Growth, Trust is a must. The Happy Truth If you’re gonna lie, at least try and make it believable, so that it resembles something true. Don’t make it inconceivable to buy it when you claim something you did or didn’t do. First you need a Liar’s mindset, and that can easily be faked, you just have to think you deserve more than you get, and so your claims deserve to be staked. The World doesn’t always agree with us though we still try to make it, but a Liar’s lazy and rewrites the record instead of trying to honestly break it. Lies can be bold, and Lies can be gentle, while Truth can be cold, and far too judgmental. So, why tell the Truth when Lies are so easy? Because without Truth there can be no Trust, No firm foundation--the world tilts and you get queasy. And to build Balance and Growth, Trust is a must. Happy Lord Geoffrey
  • Ep. 344 - Art Happy
    On Human Expression and our Communal Heart. Three minutes of rhymes and a song about things I wish to impart.
  • Ep. 345 - Happy Creation
    Happy said "Let There Be Art" and Art there was! Express and Share your Humanity, Cuz!
  • Ep. 346 - Happy Leadership
    The best kinds of leaders take responsibility, not power, they don’t lie, cheat and bully from atop some ivory tower. Recommended Episode: Ep. 382 - Happy Leaders [Happy Leaders are C.H.A.R.M.E.D.]
  • Ep. 347 - Happy Daily Mood Drills
    Whether you consider yourself sensitive or not, self-assessment, asking why, and getting comfortable with practicing your moods can help with mental agility. So, Spot, Trigger, Keep and then Drop your moods on a daily basis to train them. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia Ep. 256 - Mood Exercises - 'Round The Mood Wheel Ep. 303 - Mood Wheel-in'- Guilt To Glad Ep. 322 - Visualize Your Moods Ep. 324 - Gauge Your Moods Ep. 329 - Be Glad and Say Haha Ep. 334 - Nine Happy Questions Ep. 342 - A Pocketful of Moods Supporting Media (goes to Artwork Page): The Mood Wheel
  • Ep. 348 - Have You Ever Felt Off?
    Never succumb to being untroubled, unbothered or smug, becoming deadened to life is a terminal drug.
  • Ep. 349 - The Lifecycle of a God
    Do gods make us or do we makes gods, who's rolling the dice and playing the odds?
  • Ep. 350 - Happy Booster
    I encourage you to let yourself be encouraged.
  • Ep. 351 - Unwinding Your Minding
    Reduce stress, process emotional pain, and gain perspective in three easy steps. Step One: Introduction - [Hello.] Step Two: Interaction - [How Are You?] Step Three: Integration - [Here's The Thing.]
  • Ep. 352 - The Happy Unknown
    Embrace the Uncertainty. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 135 - Happy Certainty Ep. 263 - Happy Permission *** The Happy Unknown We begin as always with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! People often fear the unknown ‘Cause they’ve been taught to fear it since before they were grown, But here’s the funny bit, there’s way more outside the zone of what there is fully known. The cosmos is a huge mystery. Sure, we may have our guesses, but take one look at history To see we find more Nos than Yeses, Though we wrack our brains raw and blistery, We have a tough time telling what’s golden or just glistery. When we go to sleep, we don’t know what we’ll dream, when we wake up, we don’t know which breath will be our last, or even what unlikely trend will next become mainstream. Stock analysts and meteorologists gamble on every forecast, Yesterday’s anecdote may become tomorrow’s viral meme, Uncertainty is all around us, an endlessly recurring theme. So, I say, don’t let your fear get too overblown, not knowing everything isn’t the same as fire and brimstone, you can simply accept and embrace the Happy Unknown. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 353 - That Happy Chance
    There's always one.
  • Ep. 354 - Happy Freedom
    Ever feel trapped? It can happen to anyone, but it can also be helped by how you choose to deal with it. Supporting Media (goes to Videos page): ​ Little By Little Recommended Episode: Ep. 5 - Emotional Inertia - Emotia
  • Ep. 355 - The Happy Journey
    Arriving isn't nearly so valuable as the trip.
  • Ep. 356 - Minute Moods
    Try on each mood for just a minute, enough to taste, but not get lost in it. Supporting Media: (goes to Artwork page) Mood Wheel Recommended Episode: Ep. 303 - Mood Wheel-in'- Guilt To Glad
  • Ep. 357 - Vanilla Adjacent
    The fringe of the fringe so rarely impinge.
  • Ep. 358 - Your Happy Idea
    That guiding thought that gives your life direction and purpose.
  • Ep. 359 - Happy Whisperer
    Speaking to the Happy in you.
  • Ep. 360 - Happy Rights
    Moods are a choice, not a right.
  • Ep. 361 - Happy Confrontation
    Less insurrection, more redirection.
  • Ep. 362 - Happy Boundaries
    Sometimes having a boundary can be the best freedom. Recommended Episode: Ep. 273 - Happy Unbound
  • Ep. 363 - Happy Ten Thousand
    While I may make these reminders for me, I post them for anybody to see, and a few people have joined me on these Happy Roads to the point that it just surpassed ten thousand downloads!
  • Ep. 364 - Internalize Happy
    We all sometimes fall, Get twisted, confused, take our eye off the ball, But falling doesn’t mean failure—no. Failure only happens when… After we fall we quit and refuse to ever get up again.
  • Ep. 365 - Grumble Happy
    Whether you got nothing or tons-- the Human Condition is everyone’s. Complain if you like, but keep it in check, focusing on failure will just leave you a wreck!
  • Ep. 366 - A Happy Leap
    Take every chance to combat fear, sorrow and pain, Challenge yourself to turn them into something that uplifts, You’ll surprise yourself with how much strength you contain, Life is the lesson that shows you such gifts.
  • Ep. 367 - Happy Say-So
    Give yourself Happy Say-So to say yes to what you like and no to what you don’t, No one else gets to decide your tastes for you, as they’re based upon what you will and what you won’t. Recommended Episode: Ep. 263 - Happy Permission
  • Ep. 368 - Happy Luck Too
    The power of wishing comes from admitting to yourself what you want, turning your idle ruminations into something far less nonchalant, something with intention and direction--a mental kickstart when feeling stuck, which prepares you to seize opportunities, the very definition of Luck. Referenced Episode: Ep. 114 - Happy Luck
  • Ep. 369 - Happy Resourcefulness
    Happy Resourcefulness means being able to solve problems and adapt, To navigate through any obstacles previously unmapped. When you encounter the unfamiliar, do you give up or search for clues? Whether you quit or look for solutions, you become whatever you choose.
  • Ep. 370 - Happy Service
    Happy Service doesn’t mean constantly giving, For you’d very quickly run out of all that you own, Instead it’s more about caring, sharing, and living With the feeling that none of us is ever alone.
  • Ep. 371 - Happy Morality
    Happy Morality comes from within, We all have Balanced Growth, but sometimes we forget, But keeping that in mind is what helps us to win, Letting us stay Nice regardless of the threat.
  • Ep. 372 - Happy Wisdom
    Happy Wisdom is just a bunch of thoughts, Things we merely think and hold on to even so, Fussing and a fighting and never letting go, Will only twist and tie ourselves into painful knots.
  • Ep. 373 - Happy Suggestions
    While I feel strongly that emotional health can benefit your life, These are not orders or commands that must be obeyed, They are merely Happy Suggestions to help you deal with pain and strife, Much of which stems from all of the decisions you’ve made.
  • Ep. 374 - Happy Expression
    While the seasons may bring some sadness and depression, Along with work, crowds and weather making it tough to advance, One way of dealing with it is through Happy Expression, So, go ahead and dream, draw, chat, write, sing, dress up and dance!
  • Ep. 375 - Happy Calm
    Stress is like gripping the prickly husk of a chestnut with your bare skin, You know it hurts, but you don’t want to risk losing your nut so you hold on, And then you try going about your day ignoring the massive pain you’re in, Hoping it’ll all be worth it and that the self-imposed curse will magically be gone.
  • Ep. 376 - Happy Hard Times
    Hard times there will always be, but knowing they can be reframed and countered with moods, The very same moods that grew up out of the Hard Times themselves, well, that’s solid gold! So, take that anger and bitterness and aim it straight at your pain and all that includes, And say, "I don’t care if you think you own me, Hard Times, you don’t! And you’ll do as you’re told!"
  • Ep. 377 - Happy Alone
    You want to find a place to be Happy Alone, Where you’re just Happy to be on your own, Where you don’t feel scared of the unknown, And your mind isn’t a mental combat zone.
  • Ep. 378 - Happy Like You
    If you can keep mindful of one simple fact, That you were born Happy, which you can't counteract-- Then patient compassion can have an impact, Allowing you to stay grateful even while being attacked.
  • Ep. 379 - Happy Shame
    Shame is painful humiliation or distress, The feeling that you’re a complete and utter mess, But Happy Shame is the opposite of that, It’s being immune to feeling like a doormat.
  • Ep. 380 - Happy Yearning
    Being grateful is important, sure, I say it all the time, of course, But that doesn’t mean to ever stop striving to express your vital life force!
  • Ep. 381 - Happy Mountains
    We all have mountains we must climb, And that comes in many forms, From the rough to the sublime, To find sunlight through the storms.
  • Ep. 382 - Happy Leaders
    Happy Leaders are CHARMED*-- where being informed is the same as forearmed. Initials that describe the ideals, And are easily recalled--which always appeals! *CHARMED: Collaborative Humble Authentic Responsible Motivational Empathic Decisive Recommended Episode: Ep. 346 - Happy Leadership
  • Ep. 383 - Happy Mood Mastery [link in description]
    In order to achieve Balanced Growth--and also to keep it going, You’ll need three things to keep the old Mood Wisdom flowing, The Three Cs of Mood Expertise: Communication, Comprehension, and Control. Being able to recognize, realize, and regulate emotions will help you feel whole. Recommended Episode: Ep. 4 - Emotional Agility [entire script below] Ep. 383 - Happy Mood Mastery We begin as always with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! In order to achieve Balanced Growth--and also to keep it going, You’ll need three things to keep the old Mood Wisdom flowing, The Three Cs of Mood Expertise: Communication, Comprehension, and Control. Being able to recognize, realize, and regulate emotions will help you feel whole. Communication is being able to express emotions and also being able to read them too, Can you tell what others are feeling, can they tell what you’re feeling as you do what you do, This can be through words, actions, behavior and the like, both detection and transmission, Do you speak the language of moods, is that something you can add to your general disposition? Comprehension is about whether you can then interpret those emotions once spotted, Can you tell what triggered those feelings, what they mean, what significance they’ve been allotted? Maybe that feeling is actually coming from something deeper than you know, And needs a closer look before you just dismiss it, avoid it, or shove it back down below. And Control is the part where you manage those moods you’ve noticed and tracked, Where you regulate, guide, command and govern those moods and their impact, So that you can handle new feelings from both without and within, in others and in you, And can achieve Balanced Growth thanks to your Happy Mood Mastery through and through. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 384 - More Happy Grace [link in description] + recommendations
    Happy Grace means that you reserve judgment when you encounter mistakes, And act with tolerance and patience allowing everyone to learn, and find their flow, It’s not the same as encouraging yourself or others to act like a bunch of flakes, But about acceptance, and allowing everyone the space to give it another go. Recommended Episodes: Ep. 147 - Happy Gloom Ep. 156 - Happy Grace [entire script below] Ep. 384 - More Happy Grace We begin as always with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! Happy Grace means that you reserve judgment when you encounter mistakes, And act with tolerance and patience allowing everyone to learn, and find their flow, It’s not the same as encouraging yourself or others to act like a bunch of flakes, But about acceptance, and allowing everyone the space to give it another go. And that’s not accomplished by gritting your teeth and trying not to explode, Happy Grace is a choice you make to see the world as a dynamic journey, Not some administrative chore you’re saddled with by durable power of attorney, But a life full of experiences and feelings best grabbed by the armload. I’ve been a maintenance man, an executive assistant, and a live-in babysitter, I’ve been a food server, an emcee, a tutor, a retail clerk, and a stagehand, So, I’ve had to serve, announce, teach, sit and wait for others, ‘cause I ain’t no quitter, And seeing how slow, dull and futile some things can be helped me to understand. Understand what? Understand how frustrating and painful some things can be, Well, how is that helpful? You may well ask! And I’ll tell you--it helps keep you aware. Aware of what, you’ll, no doubt, want to know! Aware of how to accept things calmly, How to manage expectations, which leads to greater composure and less open warfare. Happy Grace is what allows you to try again and again after failing multiple times, It’s what grants you hope and renewed vigor well after you feel you’ve lost it, It’s what keeps you rooting for those who seem to have long since passed their primes, And it’s the very thing that keeps you from ever, ever, ever trying to quit. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 385 - Happy Fortitude [link in description]
    Happy Fortitude is the faith you have in your own inner strength, It’s the grit you got--to tell yourself to get up, and try once more, It’s your resilience, knowing that you will go to any length To keep from quitting, dropping the ball, or running out the back door. [episode script below] Ep. 385 - Happy Fortitude We begin as always with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! Happy Fortitude is the faith you have in your own inner strength, It’s the grit you got--to tell yourself to get up, and try once more, It’s your resilience, knowing that you will go to any length To keep from quitting, dropping the ball, or running out the back door. I’ve known people who would give up when things got the least bit hard, People with no resolve, who couldn’t see anything through to the end, Who could never be counted on to stand up or stay true in any regard, Such people with zero backbone aren’t those anyone would want to call a friend. Friends are those who’ll stay with you even when times ain’t easy, Those you can depend on even when you’re not at your best, People who can stomach hardship without getting too queasy, Keeping it together through such trials is indeed the true test. But, hey, I get it, if you take the coward’s way out, the shortcut, the cheat, Well, then you ensure you’ll live to fight another day--well, to cower anyway. ‘Cause that’s the thing, ain’t it? You’re just proving to yourself that you can be beat, Every time you recoil, flinch, shiver or shake, you turn yourself into Fortune’s prey. But what if instead you took every opportunity to prove to yourself you can stick it out, That you can last a little longer, try a little harder, keep pushing, keep going, stay strong? It doesn’t even have to be anything big, every example builds you up and helps defeat doubt, Until before you know it, you aren’t the craven, trembling, quail you’ve been for far too long. Because Happy Fortitude means you don’t crumble when life get tough, You're secure regardless of the difficulty or trouble, Because you know that you can dig deep and trust that you have power enough To endure any storm, and watch your confidence double. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 386 - Happy Still [link in desription]
    If you get so mad that you want to explode, Then you’ll always find reasons to overload, You’ll keep chasing the high of that pressure release, Declaring war every time you really want peace. [episode script below] Ep. 386 - Happy Still We begin as always with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! If you get so mad that you want to explode, Then you’ll always find reasons to overload, You’ll keep chasing the high of that pressure release, Declaring war every time you really want peace. You’ll create new problems, instead of achieving your goals, Increasing your emptiness with all those self-made holes, But if you stop trying to destroy, and try to connect, Then there’ll be no need to fix, heal, save or resurrect. Now I know the attraction of a bout of righteous wrath, But it can lead you headlong down a sick and woeful path, Where everything is loud and mean and you have to fight your way through, Because you’re trapped in a battle, when, really, the enemy is you. And the time to stop the skirmish is not when your smack in the middle, But before you even get started if you’d just prepare yourself a little, Because you shouldn’t be so surprised if you tend to blow your top, When it happens yet again after you hoped that it would stop. You can’t just wing it, you actually have to prepare to keep your cool, Plan ahead for any possible triggers, and practice not acting like a fool, Allow yourself to take your time, don’t let the process itself make you mad, Or you’ve defeated the whole purpose, and let your goodwill go bad. But you have to realize for yourself that a short-lived burst of rage isn’t worth your dreams, That the power you feel for only a moment isn’t quite as triumphant as it seems, Because it erodes your sense of balance, your sense of growth, your peace of mind, And that can make you bitter, cranky, argumentative, and extremely unkind. And, like I say, I know all about it, I’ve yelled and I’ve raged, I acted like a wild animal who deserved to be caged, I’ve thought to myself, “well, maybe this is just me,” But I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be!” You can choose your own behavior, your own thoughts, your own traits, You don’t need all that anger to be one of the greats, You can find power in the calmness, the control and the Will, And see that through it all you can be Happy Still. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 387 - Happy Courage [link in description]
    Trying new things can be scary at first, You may feel uneasy and start thinking the worst, But if you can keep on going for just a little bit longer, You may just find that your confidence gets a whole lot stronger. [episode script below] Ep. 387 - Happy Courage We begin as always with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! Trying new things can be scary at first, You may feel uneasy and start thinking the worst, But if you can keep on going for just a little bit longer, You may just find that your confidence gets a whole lot stronger. Because part of the fear comes from the unknown, And from the uncertainty that can become overblown, But as you get familiar with the situation at hand, Your outlook improves as you begin to understand. You then start to notice things you didn’t notice before, Opportunities to advance and raise your overall score, Expectations you can manage and allies you can make, Challenges you can handle and chances you can take. Happy Courage isn’t a total lack of anxiety or worry or fear, It’s, instead, your refusal to cower or shrink when those things may appear, You don’t need to avoid nervousness in order to act, Happy Courage means you keep going even if you feel like you’re being attacked. Many’s the time when I was an absolute bundle of nerves, But that often juiced up my flagging energy reserves, I’ve asked girls to dance, and spoken on stage, I’ve defended myself in a fight against someone in an absolute rage. You don’t need to hide from the world just because it’s a tad frightening, That’s as silly as hiding underwater to avoid bolts of lightning, But instead you should learn to face up to challenges both old and new, Because Happy Courage is you being your most courageous you! Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 388 - Happy Fairness [link in description]
    Happy Fairness means being impartial, respectful, true and just,  It means treating people with the humanity that they’ve earned, Throwing in some decency, tolerance and integrity is, for many, a must, As well as any civil and rational behaviors previously learned. Recomended Episode: Ep. 226 - Fair Happy [episode script below] Ep. 388 - Happy Fairness We begin as always  with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy,  in Balance and Growth,  of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! Happy Fairness means being impartial, respectful, true and just,  It means treating people with the humanity that they’ve earned, Throwing in some decency, tolerance and integrity is, for many, a must, As well as any civil and rational behaviors previously learned. I have a very strong sense of fairness, due to the all unfairness that I’ve seen, And not just to me, but when other people are treated unfairly too, I know how awful it feels to suffer injustice, and I hate it when anyone’s Mean,  But I especially hate it when friends betray friends, that’s something you just don’t do. I’ve had a few pals, a few cronies, a few chums, who absolutely stabbed me in the back, Without a second thought either, just took something they wanted and to heck with me, A potential romance, a job opportunity, a privilege I was due--just an absolute bushwhack, Almost with a maniacal glee to see me suffer thus proving they were never Family. It’s heartbreaking--after I was so sure I could trust their loyalty, The one thing I could count on--I  thought I at least had that, Then realizing I never really knew them at all--seeing what villains they could be, And then I started worrying that every friendship would end in psychological combat. But there is still fairness to be found in the world, and that fairness can begin with you,  Don’t let them corrupt you with their bitter selfishness, like someone corrupted them, This doesn’t mean to just let people walk all over you, no, you deserve respect too, As long as you earn it, it’s not an automatic thing, that’s unfair, and that would be mayhem. But disrespect shouldn’t be automatic either, so don’t pick fights just because you expect fights,  Odd as it sounds, but bullies are people too--they want Balance and Growth and all that stuff, They attack others to avoid winding up in someone else’s sights, But if you uphold Happy Fairness then you’ll show others that enough’s enough. In my younger school days I was bullied by groups of kids, but not if I could get them alone, Then they actually talked to me and were even Nice, though I knew it wouldn’t last, They didn’t want to get targeted for not going along, they couldn’t handle being on their own, In college I even did Nice things for my bullies--you wouldn’t believe the goodwill that amassed. Sure, I wished they would all get boils up their rears and worms in their ears,  But I never actually did anything to them, I just maintained my own sense of fair play,  So when others tried to target them, I stood up for them even against my peers, And converted many bullies into friends, staying true to myself and the Inherently Happy Way. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 389 - Happy Worth [link indescription]
    Facts or Values, which do you consider the more important of the two? Do you hold in higher regard objective truths, or subjective moral codes? Do you consider logic to be the only worthy standard for all you think, say and do? Or are ethical considerations more effective in the prevention of behavior that erodes? [episode script below] Ep. 389 - Happy Worth We begin as always with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! Facts or Values, which do you consider the more important of the two? Do you hold in higher regard objective truths, or subjective moral codes? Do you consider logic to be the only worthy standard for all you think, say and do? Or are ethical considerations more effective in the prevention of behavior that erodes? My dad was a very logical man. He did his crossword puzzles in ink and never got them wrong, But he was also a church-going man and felt that faith was needed to establish rules of conduct, He was also a very angry man whose own behavior was often as disruptive as the day is long, Someone who used his faith to wash away his guilt so that he wouldn’t self-destruct. But he never changed his attitude, he stayed Mean, and just prayed a little on the weekend, I never thought morality should be something you keep resetting week after week, It should be a guiding principle that stays with you and supports you like a very good friend, Not something that rinses the crud off you just so you can wallow in it once more, so to speak. I think it’s possible to consider both the head and the heart when you make a decision, It doesn’t have to be either/or, you can take both evidence, and your beliefs into account, In fact, that might be the ideal scenario, as opposed to an angry or violent collision, Resulting in a host of problems not even the world’s greatest negotiator could surmount. Your Happy Worth depends on the Balance and Growth you’re able to achieve, Not the fights, not the destruction, not the strife, not the havoc you can wreak, But the gratitude you can maintain and the compassionate outlook in which you believe, For it is those Facts And Values that will help you find the peaceful passion that you seek. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 390 - Happy Assumptions
    Assumptions save time, but at what cost? Check them with reality or you might get lost. [episode script below] Ep. 390 - Happy Assumptions We begin as always  with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy,  in Balance and Growth,  of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! You ever assume things? ‘Course you do, we all do. We assume big things like that tomorrow will arrive as expected, And small things like a rubber ball will bounce back to you, And even medium things like mistakes will repeat if left uncorrected. I once assumed a driver who cut me off on the road had it in for me, So I raced up beside him and threw him a glare, Only to realize that he was in his own world on the phone and did not see, Didn’t care, wasn’t being mean because he was completely unaware. My assumption met reality and my assumption failed, I had built something up that existed entirely within my own mind, Oh, how spectacularly wrong I was, I wailed, How quickly I felt justified in becoming monumentally unkind! I thought it was my right, nay, my obligation to fix that guy’s wagon,  When he was already having a hard time of it and so I immediately felt bad,  Was I the bully? Oh, no! That mustn’t be! I didn’t want to be a fire breathing dragon! Laying waste to the countryside because someone made me slightly mad. So, I slowed my roll,  calmed myself down,  regained control,  and unclenched my frown. I thought of all the things we assume that may not be helpful at all, Assuming all plants are safe to eat, for instance, is not the best way to go, But also assuming that some activities are no fun when they could be a ball, You have to try new things to know for sure, but you can be careful even so. I’ve assumed that bullies were all out to get me, but they were making assumptions too, They thought I was a threat to what they considered cool and so wanted to mock me, But if they got to know me, some of them actually quite liked me--a friendly breakthrough! Where they saw that reality wasn’t quite as bad as they had assumed--and that’s the key! Having assumptions is a handy shortcut for a lot of things--water is wet, fire is hot, But we still have to test those assumptions against reality to make sure we’re staying on track, Otherwise we may discover truths that are exactly the opposite of what we thought, And instead of moving forward we find ourselves lost and having to go all the way back. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 391 - Happy Empowerment [link in description]
    Providing encouragment and support to others feels Nice, And so you provide empowerment not once but twice. [entire script below] Ep. 391 - Happy Empowerment We begin as always with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! There’s two kinds of empowerment upon which I shall report, Those you give others, and those you give yourself, being the two I shall name, The kind you give others contains encouragement and support, While the kind you give to yourself contains exactly the same. I am always trying to streamline complicated processes that frustrate and irk, I don’t break the rules, I just try to find loopholes where people seldom look, And as a result I often come up with new ways of solving problems at work, And then I write down those protocols so I can train others with my little guidebook. But I often find that others would rather that I continue to do those tasks still, And they don’t even bother reading my directions even when I add a cartoon, Turns out they don’t want to be empowered to do some things and never will, So, I seek my own empowerment elsewhere to find an escape that can’t come too soon. So, I write, and I draw--and I sing and dance too but that’s just for fun, I do these works to empower myself, to encourage and someday support, hopefully, too, And I share them because if they can encourage this human I know I can’t be the only one, And going by the encouraging feedback, that which empowers me also empowers you! Happy Empowerment is that supportive encouragement that helps me and you cope, “If this guy can do it, then I should be able to as well,” is what you may well say, I don’t have my ideal career, freedoms or family life and yet I still allow myself to hope, And I share that hope with others through art and the Inherently Happy Way. And sharing can be its own form of empowerment--it feels Nice, So, I encourage you to utilize the same methods that I myself employ, Namely to be empowering not once but twice, First by giving encouragement and support to others and in so doing increasing your own joy. Haha Yowza
  • Ep. 392 - Divinely Happy [link in description]
    We seek to solve the mystery of our Life Sentence--is there a cause at the end of the line? Will we find paradise, doom or is it all just an endless merry-go-round operated by the Divine? Recommended Episodes: Ep. 2 - Detective of Divinity Ep. 67 - The Happy Skeptic Ep. 175 - Happy Divine Ep. 212 - Divine Happy Ep. 327 - God Happy [entire script below] Ep. 392 - Divinely Happy We begin as always with the Happy Creed. We believe in Happy, in Balance and Growth, of being Mindful and Grateful, Compassionate and Understanding. Yowza Haha My Happy Friends! Humans live with the knowledge of our own impending death, From even before we’re born, the terminal countdown begins, As we only have a limited time before we’ll draw our final breath, In a race we all must run, but one that nobody ever wins. And so we cling to beliefs that afford us some peace along the way, We try to catch a glimpse of the divine to get some clue as to what’s out there, We meditate, vision quest, lucid dream, we hope, we wish, we pray, All to solve the mystery of our Life Sentence--are we doomed or does somebody actually care? If we ask for answers, will we get them? Or is it far beyond what’s even possible to know? And if we feel changed by the pursuit, is that merely from our efforts or something more? We just want to discover the cause, so that when we seek a certain effect, it’ll actually show, Then maybe we’ll feel like we understand something, and get a hint at what’s in store. When we go past this living organism phase--do we carry on, transform, or just end? I grew up down the street from a cemetery where several generations of my family are buried, I used to fear it after dark until I discovered that my bullies feared it more--’twas a godsend! Then I spent many nights among the dead trying to commune, but the results never varied, Answers came there none. Ghostly friendships, not a one, I tried as hard as any late night divinity seeker could--not one to be outdone, But my ancestors and their grave neighbors remained silent and decidedly un-fun. I was there on moonlit nights when the fallen snow made it bright in all directions, I was there on gloomy nights too, when I had to feel me way around, At the very least I found it peaceful there, even if I made no direct divine connections, It was still less hectic than my own world beyond that tranquil ground. Nowadays when I see people who claim to have a direct link to the divine, I wonder, What am I doing differently? I try to be helpful, I try to be patient, I try to be kind, I sometimes have to cut off contact with toxic people who try to pull me under, But still I offer words of encouragement through my work, a product of my heart and my mind. And this work isn’t meant to replace faith, of course, it’s more of a bridge from here to there. For those who have nothing, it can be a framework at the very least, something to cling to, And for those who already have a belief system, it can still act as mental health care. Humans are obsessed with the unknown, we’re Divinely Happy in everything we do. I’m no different, I want to know what’s out there just like everybody else does, And I’ll keep looking for clues just like the Detective of Divinity I am and always will be, And in the meantime, I’ll also try to focus on being Happy just because Being Happy is better than focusing on bitterness and hate, this I know, believe you me. Haha Yowza
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